Part of life’s journey is traversing a personal mountain or abyss. Sharing knowledge of how that is best achieved lightens the load for those who follow us. 

A Word from Leanne

Life is understood by experiencing it fully, adding knowledge and accepting help from others. As an adult, we may be fortunate enough to choose continuous learning. My formal education has been in business and health science, the latter overlapping with the chaos of mid-life events. This period left me questioning the foundations of what I believed in. 

Neither religion nor spirituality provided answers that made sense to me. Exploring the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and other historical thinkers, I was led to see how God equated to the universe rather than as a personal being. 

There is a conceptual parallel between God and Chinese philosophy, where the yin-yang symbol represents humanity as the dark, and heaven, the light. For me, understanding  the relationship between philosophy, religion and spirituality allowed me to become fully aware of my own capacity for personal change. When I recognised this, I moved beyond following what society had told me was ‘right’ to finding power in my own purpose. You can do the same, too.

Having developed a clear perspective around personal, professional and planetary issues, I have a passion to help you find your own comfort and self-understanding.

How Leanne can help



Leanne helps people who want to gain clarity and perspective on where their life or business is headed. Using principles derived from feng shui and numerology she will have you seeing the issues that affect you from a different perspective. Gaining clarity on our own values allows us to continually refine our plans as we go along, creating the life that we were meant to have. Having built a life and provided for family, time then exists to find your purpose rather than settle for a retirement plan. 

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Suitable for businesses, coaching utilises the principles of feng shui to help you achieve optimal organisation. Looking for guidance managing human resources or the most efficient structure for information flow? My coaching provides an insightful voice as to how changes can be made to achieve a business that attracts rather than buys customers. 



My meditation prioritises the natural evolution of our personal style. Meditation is most often demonstrated, not discussed. My aim is to inspire you on how to adopt meditation as a habit that will progress into your own form of personal practice. Meditation can feel overwhelming. Off-putting. Even boring. My own experience and varied techniques allow me to show you a pathway to a practice that is right for you. 

If you enjoy the business and busyness of a Western lifestyle, I facilitate group sessions to show a variety of ways meditation can work for you. Meditation doesn’t need to be so serious. I focus on bringing fun and relaxation to the space, to allow you to sleep better, become less reactionary and more grounded in real-time.

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14-Week Workshop

If you are looking for something with lower intensity than once off mentoring, the 14-week workshop is an ideal option. As we meet for fortnightly sessions, we empower you to get out of your own way and find solutions to the problems you face. With an extended time frame, there is greater opportunity for reflection and discussion that allow answers to naturally surface.


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.