With little thought into the weight of what was involved, Leanne made the bold declaration to write a book. As Leanne describes, the process of authoring, similar to running a marathon can evoke the feeling of ‘what the f%@* was I thinking’.
For Leanne, declaration was a key part of the process. Voicing her ambitions aloud solidified the commitment, pushing her to dive into the process and not back out. Whilst writing books and running races are similar, with a linear start to finish, she discovered her fondness and frustration in the onerous nuance of distilling her own thoughts. She fell in love with the thorny place of living outside of her comfort zone.
As Leane wrote, the structure and framework of her ideas took form. Reflecting on the growing levels of disconnect in our society, she explored the divide between humans and nature around us. A kidult book was eventually hatched.
An alphabet book of animals was born, providing commentary on the world as she understood it. With her words on the page, Leanne is in the process of telling the whole story with illustrations. For now, the book is still in development.
Inspired to move onto weightier topics, Leanne committed to writing a book that would untangle her thoughts on life and finding our real purpose. After being grateful for and frustrated by the advice to go wide and deep with researching, organising and rewriting her thoughts, her current project was created.
Starting from a focus on wellbeing, Leanne explores the convergence of our physical, mental and emotional selves over the course we chart through our lives. Leanne’s writing encompasses how we are each impacted by the world around us. She writes about how understanding our broader purpose, seeing what has been holding us back or down will allow us to create a world where we allow ourselves to align with the stars.